Department Manager Sales

Plný úvazek - 168 hod / měsíc
image/svg+xml mzda neuvedena
Prémie - ne
Smlouva HPP
Studenti Ne


Co Vás čeká u nás


  • Being Head of Department, with direct personal responsibility for your team
  • Motivating and training your team
  • Ongoing support and improvement of sales
  • Ensuring friendly and professional customer service throughout your department
  • Conducting regular merchandise analysis and optimising the sales floor by implementing visual merchandising guidelines
  • Liaising and cooperating with the buying department in order to improve merchandise selection


  • Personal and professional development
  • Individual career planning
  • Various development opportunities
  • A dynamic working environment based on teamwork and individual responsibility
  • The security of a traditional family company
  • Employee discount in P&C stores
  • Bonus based on the department's performance
  • Reward programme for employee referrals
  • Sodexo meal voucher
  • Christmas bonus
  • Trade union allowance

Co čekáme od Vás


  • Successful completion of a business administration qualification, preferably graduating from a university and proven practical knowledge in the retail sector
  • Several years of leadership experience, ideally in the textile, FMCG or services sector
  • Enthusiasm for fashion and lifestyle
  • Strong customer- and service-orientation
  • High level of commitment, initiative and hands-on approach
  • Organisational and analytical skills including a strong numerical understanding
  • Very good knowledge of German and/or English


Jak si Vás představujeme
Nákupní centrum: Olympia Brno (Brno)
Značka: Peek & Cloppenburg
Druh pozice: Vedoucí pracovník
Časový úvazek: Plný úvazek - 168 hod / měsíc
Datum nástupu: Ihned
Název pozice: Department Manager Sales
Typ smluvního vztahu: Smlouva HPP
Doba trvání pracovního vztahu: Na dobu určitou
Mzda: mzda neuvedena
Prémie: ne
Benefity: Stravenky, Firemní akce, Slevy na firemní produkty, Flexibilní pracovní doba, Příspěvek na sport nebo volný čas, Občerstvení na pracovišti, Finanční benefit
Vhodné pro studenty: Ne
Požadované minimální vzdělání: Středoškolské
Znalost jazyka:
cz - Pokročilá znalost
en - Alespoň mírně pokročilý
de - Výhodou
pl - Výhodou